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Extra time

The images below are the now dried prints that I showed to the crit.

The crit went fairly well, other than technical issues with my computer and the TV share screen option, but that was out of control of everyone. The feedback I received pointed out that the best technique to explore further was Lino Printing, but most did not agree on what they would like to be done with colouring, some wanted me to explore my Promarkers colouring, others wanted to see watercolour, one in particular mentioned Gold Leaf to accent the drawing more.

My next step was to try these techniques on the already existing prints.

The Gold Leef

As I have never used used Gold Leaf before, I wanted to use a cheaper version of this medium, so I got some foil art supplies.

I did not like this medium, I do not know what I was doing wrong, but I do not like it, the foils did not stick properly, and created weird crevasses that made the scan look weird. As I need to scan to add the name of the card and the frame, and other changes, I believe this is not the right path for the card design.

The next experiment was with watercolours:

I seem to have misplaced this print, the only image available I have is from my records for the PDF. This is not as good as I want it to be. This picture was not liked by me or anyone else I showed it too, so the watercolour used like this will not suffice.

The next experiment is the Promarkers colouring:

This is a good way of colouring, other that the fact that I did not replace the finished Promarkers and I was not using the right colours. Although, with this experimentation, I discovered that I would much prefer the orange sky other than the blue one on the left side of the card. The only problem I found while colouring is that the Promarkers would melt the ink and drag it away from its place, I do not know why this happened, as I used oil based ink and it shouldn’t smudge when fully dried.

At the same time I tried the last two medium on the back of the cards too.

A point I discussed with my pears was the idea of creating a bigger print and/or change the dress, while still deciding what materials I could use to colour the card I begun to work on that so I will not be losing precious time.

These are my dresses ideas, which were inspired by clothes in the medieval times and pictures of Banshees.

Some were still to complex to cut in lino, and one in particular was just me having fun in dressing her in my favourite suit.

These drawings then were re-created on computer.

The result of a quick round of feedback was that the majority would have liked to see the 8th dress with the 9th dress’s sleeves with minor changes to make it less hard to cut.

With that out of the way, I begun to work on a better background and fixing the lady in it. The result was:

I had a lot of fun finalising it.

The next big choice was between small lino vs big lino, I cut them both and these are the plates:

While this was going on, the tutor gave me the idea of adding colour before printing, so I decided to test it out by using Promarkers and Posca pens.

Although, for now I want to share the small prints:

This is the Promarkers before printing experiment for the small ones:

As you can see, it does not look good, the alignment is way off and it hurts my eyes just like if I was looking at 3D picture without the glasses.

Now for the big prints:

The bigger prints look so much nicer, I immediately prefer them, popular belief was by my side too. Although the experimentation with coloring then printing did not live up to these prints.

The first two are made using Promarkers, while the last one was coloured by Posca pens. I do not like them, for the same reason I do not like the first attempt. Looking at them while smaller it is barely noticeable, but as soon as you look closer they are not aligned at all.

Moving forward I placed the card on Krita to create both the frame and the space for the name and number of the card. which resulted in this:

I honestly liked it as it is, but talking with the tutor, she recommended using Photoshop Multiply layer option to colour underneath the print. I tried with Krita but I obviously was doing it wrong and I did not had time to waste anymore. I am glad that the page where you can download Photoshop brushes from Adobe stopped giving me the ‘this is a unprotected download’ error like it did for my Minor project. Thanks to that I was able to download watercolour brushes.

I proudly announce my final card design for Death!

I am so proud of it! I love the colours, and the lino lines! I do not think I could ever be this proud of a drawing!

The next step:

I was told I should create another card to make sure it will look like it is a deck and that I can create one without problems. From the research I did for tarots, my choices are: The Star or The Moon. I am currently leaning more on The Moon card.

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